BD 0.880

Perfumed cleaner disinfectant for WC toilets. Registered. – Eco

42 in stock

SKU: PT0326F100 Category:



Cmplies UNE-EN 13,697 standard in dirty conditions.
Guarantee disinfection of surfaces in contact with the product. It has bactericidal activity diluted to 20%
in hard water after 5 minutes at a temperature of 22.9 C in dirty conditions for Pseudomonas
aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus, and Enterococcus hirae strains.
It has fungicidal activity undiluted on surfaces after 15 minutes at 22.1 C under dirty conditions for
Candida albicans and Aspergillus niger strains. It is a product of great stability, which does not lose its
properties after a long time of storage.

How to use

Read the label carefully before use.
Do not apply on food. Use by professional personnel. Apply by spraying
with a trigger sprayer or electrostatic sprayer with a capacity of up to one
litre, immersion, cloth or mop with the pure product, respecting the contact
To ensure bactericidal action, dilute in water at doses greater than 20% of
the product and leave to act for 5 minutes.
To ensure the fungicidal activity of the product, it must be used pure and
leave to act for 15 minutes. It should not be mixed with other chemicals.

Additional information


500 ML