BD 6.050

Convection ovens rinse aid.

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SKU: PT00712100 Category:



Neutralizes possible degreaser residues that may remain on the oven walls.
Its formulation is completely miscible in water, with a controlled foam that disappears shortly after rinsing. They produce a very fast draining, providing an extraordinary shine, LEAVES NO ODOR OR TASTE.
Essential in mixed convection-steam ovens with a rinse aid outlet, which allow a washing cycle directed by software as they have fixed or removable internal sprayers that carry out the cycle automatically. It is very economical, since its high concentration allows it to be used at very low doses. It is extremely stable, so it does not lose its properties after a long time of storage.

How to use:

Application with automatic dispensers allowed.
Depending on the gloss and drying result achieved, adjust the application rate according to local conditions. To achieve optimal results in polishing, dose from 0.2 to 0.6 grams per liter of rinse water.
Remove the trays and grids before starting the cleaning process.
Daily cleaning of the fat filter and the cooking cabinet is recommended for hygiene measures and to avoid fire risks.

Additional information


5 L